Why I come home to Land aan Zee

Barbara Doeleman-van Veldhoven, founder and Director BFC Compassionate Care & Mindful Medicine, Partner/friend Land aan Zee

Life...  What could be more beautiful, painful, sparkling and surprising than that? On the one hand a great gift in all its beauty and receptivity and on the other hand sometimes so enormously disconcerting, disconcerting and shaky.

All my life I have been fascinated by the miracle we call life and fascinated by how we humans can live more and more from love, freedom and connection. Growing up in a doctor's family, I was touched by human lives in all its colors at a young age and I saw the resilience of people to be able to continue to live light in the darkest of times. As a dancer I learned that mind and body dance with each other and in the right balance can greatly strengthen each other's possibilities.e I started with meditation at the age of 18, and had the great fortune of being taught mindfulness, compassion, Buddhist philosophy and psychology and non-dualism by many inspiring teachers from all over the world. Together with my background as a healthcare professional and my experience as a healthcare administrator, I decided in 2012 to dedicate my working life to one of the important pillars of a developed society: compassionate and high-quality accessible care for everyone.

BFC Compassionate Care & Mindful Medicine (BFC) werd door mij opgericht en al snel haakten beleidsbepalende partijen uit de zorg aan en ontwikkelde BFC zich tot een gerenommeerde organisatie die scholing en training aanbiedt in kwaliteiten die aan de basis liggen van goede zorg, effectief leiderschap en optimaal teamwerk. Wij zijn dankbaar dat we deze visie en missie in de wereld mogen brengen in samenwerking met prachtige en krachtige nationale en internationale partners. Ons aanbod is evidence based.

At Land aan Zee we would love to come for the first time in September 2024 for a 3-day retreat ‘Wisdom of the Heart’. For this and our other retreats you can sign up at open registration. In the end, everything starts with awareness; Knowing yourself, developing sensitivity, facing your fears, daring to question your assumptions, letting go of patterns, accepting what goes differently than desired and being curious and openly interested; over and over and over and over again.  This is not only the basis for conscious and happy and contented living, but also for healthy relationships, leadership and cooperation.

With the utmost care we look for places where people can land in order to be able to engage in these processes that require courage and gentleness and then I met the special and sweet Liselotte and she invited me to Landen aan Zee. And the first time I set foot on this special estate I knew.... This is the place I've dreamed of for so long. This is the paradise I want to take people on a journey to. I have visited so many retreat centers and this is where I came home.

Everything about Land aan Zee exudes the vision and mission they stand for and that is so in line with the mission of BFC Compassionate Care and Mindful Medicine: to create a respectful, inspiring and warm society for everyone who lives and cares.
