Your donations are in good hands
Land aan Zee is a young independent foundation. All donations are therefore highly appreciated and go directly to socially vulnerable people or people with limited resources who thus have the opportunity to participate in our programs.
Every contribution is a helping hand for a vulnerable person. You can already help us with a donation of 10€, 25€, 50€ or 100€.
This can be done on account number Stichting Land aan Zee: NL93INGB0100227961
Are you a company, organization or individual with sufficient resources and a heart for our project?
(In the very near future we will ensure that the donations are tax deductible. )
- Sponsor one or more participants with limited resources:
- Short retreat: 345 euro / person (twin bedroom)
- Long retreat: 615 euro/ person (twin bedroom)
- Give a socially vulnerable group the opportunity to come on retreat (e.g. people in poverty, refugees...)
- Short retreat (15 people): 3.825 euro per group
- Long retreat (15 people): 6.975 euro per group
- Let us know which target group you would like to sponsor. We are happy to consult with you to make this possible.
Account number Stichting Land aan Zee: NL93INGB0100227961
(Give your loved one or a good friend a retreat as a gift! After transfer and mention of name and address, we will send a gift voucher.)
Thank you very much for your support!

Your donations are in good hands
Land aan Zee is a young independent foundation. All donations are therefore highly appreciated and go directly to socially vulnerable people or people with limited resources who thus have the opportunity to participate in our programs.