
We can’t do this alone
- Land aan Zee exists thanks to the efforts of people who want to make a meaningful contribution to a warm social project. Are you making a difference? This can be done in various ways.
- Do you want to temporarily help build Land aan Zee and stay at this special place? Then maybe you can use one of ours long stayers become.
- Do you want to share your expertise during a Theme retreat and get inspired yourself? Maybe then you will become one of many 'Friends of Land aan Zee'!
- Do you live nearby and would like to come and lend a hand from time to time? We would love to welcome you as one of our volunteers!
- Finally, you can support our foundation financially. All donations are welcome! In this way we hope to allow socially vulnerable people to participate in our retreats.
News about Land aan Zee
Diep geraakt Met een zwaar hart volgen wij de nieuwsberichten over de recente catastrofe in Spanje. De apocalyptische beelden van verwoesting slaan ons met…
In de drukte van ons dagelijks leven als trainers, therapeuten, lichaamswerkers en coaches is het essentieel om momenten van reflectie en verbinding te creëren….
Hier wat nieuws uit de Zeeuwse polders. Onze Land aan Zee community wordt steeds groter en dat is ook wat we willen en wat…