In 2018, we instantly fell in love with the beautiful and quirky house 'Mon Plaisir' in Zeeland, the Netherlands. This 100-year-old farmhouse with its romantic rose garden and old agricultural barns is located a stone's throw from the Oosterschelde.
We could not believe that this property had been for sale for four years. When we checked with several neighbours, they said: yes, it is beautiful, but it is also quite large, expensive and requires a lot of maintenance. Not just the four old agricultural barns stood in the way of potential buyers, but the large rose garden appeared to be a barrier too: not everyone has a green thumb. And what to do with those barns? The maintenance costs can mount up considerably over time and what are you going to do with them in the future?
Looking at the potential
For us, this was the ideal picture: although we did not know whether we would ever be allowed to do anything with the barns, the location and the appearance of the estate appealed to our imagination. Especially the fantasy house in art nouveau style, meticulously restored by the previous owner, captured our hearts. We would take our chances! Who knows, maybe we would still get permission from the municipality to realise a retreat centre. So it was a bit of a gamble.
It's moving forward
From the moment we committed ourselves to that choice, miraculous things happened that still give us the strength to carry on to this day. New people cross our path almost daily, encouraging us and giving us advice and ideas. It is as if we have stepped into a river and the current is pulling us inexorably along. We found an enthusiastic architect who was very keen on the project and who was able to present us with a suitable design. After a long year of waiting, we not only received the approval of the municipality but even got congratulated for the project. So in March 2021, construction finally started!
Where are we now?
Meanwhile, more than a year has gone by and you can see the contours of the centre looming up along the dike. The former field next to the house is now a young landscape garden with a swimming pond, a mini food forest and a magical tree circle where we can do yoga, picnic or create a special moment to start or end a "Land aan Zee" week. In spring, the swallows land in the freshly dug pond and diligently build their nests with the fresh mud under the eaves of the farm.
An enthusiastic team
Like any big project, this one too has its bumps. Due to the Corona crisis, scarcity of materials and delays in supply chains, the project has faced significant budget and time overruns. But we are not giving up and we're enjoying all the progress we already see. The magic of the land is already attracting many people who want to make it a salubrious place with us. This is not just our project anymore, we feel part of a large family of enthusiastic and passionate supporters who want to create something special here with us. Our team of architects, contractors and subcontractors also work hard every day to meet the May 2023 deadline.
Proud of our name
Everyone who walks around here feels the special energy of the place. It is difficult to describe, but you feel nature and life vibrating around you, and thanks to a feeling of powerful grounding, the worries of everyday life slip away. This strengthens us in our conviction that we are building a place where people can refresh and recharge themselves. "Land aan Zee", is the perfect name for what will happen here!
Click here to find out more about Land aan Zee!