Why travel solo? Discover my six reasons.

Solo travel is on the rise, also in the Netherlands. I've noticed for a while that many women like to go out on their own. This past holiday, I decided to put it to the test and travel alone. I can confirm: solo travel is good for you! Discover my 6 reasons why solo travel is a great idea.


  1. You feel awake, alert and alive

From the first moment you leave your home, you feel awake and alert. You're stepping out of your comfort zone and breaking with your habits. Now only you determine how your trip goes. Being fully responsible makes you extra alert and awake! Travelling alone strengthens your character, sharpens your entrepreneurial skills and fills you with new energy.


  1. You're free!

Yes, it seems a bit scary to go out on your own, but soon you will notice the many advantages: you don't have to answer to anyone, you plan your day and change your plan as much as you want! You eat what, when and where you want, you choose where you want to spend the night and you sleep as long or short as you want. You're at the helm. When I hurt my knee at the end of my solo hike, I planned an alternative route with less altitude difference. It was probably the best day of all because I had thought it all out myself. I sat for hours along the banks of the mighty Rhine and mused about my life and my loved ones: wonderful!


  1. You break with fixed patterns

When travelling with friends or family, you keep repeating patterns from home. The role you play and that is expected of you, you take with you in your suitcase. You may be the joker, the initiator, the caretaker, the enjoyer or the explorer. The dynamics of the group alone will automatically make you fall back into your role. On your own, nothing is expected of you, you can reinvent yourself and completely break with your habits. I enjoyed listening to my stomach and not to my clock for food during my solo hikes. Or to linger and day-dream instead of following a time schedule or plan.


  1. Get in touch with others

When you travel alone and break out of your fixed cocoon, it is easier to connect with others and experience more. It was easy for me to talk to interesting and fun people. I do that much less when I'm not alone. For example, I met an Australian teacher with German roots who made a trip in honour of her mother after her German mother died. Such a beautiful person and a special story.


  1. You learn how to jump hurdles

When, at the end of a hiking day, I realised that there were no more buses from the small village where I was to my final destination... I had no other option than to hike another 3 kilometres. Not ideal, when you have 23 kilometres on your legs and it is 31 degrees. I gathered my courage and set off. A wet towel on my head and a wet t-shirt. It was a lot of suffering: weak muscles, sore feet, a throbbing head and a red face. All I could think was: how am I going to get to my destination without collapsing? I had to do it and I would! I ran from one shady spot to another to catch my breath and get my heart rate down. Once I arrived at the hotel, I felt like a real winner! "How brave I am!" I thought to myself as I struggled to enter. I can do a lot more than I thought!


  1. You learn to take care of yourself even more.

As a solo traveller, you learn an enormous amount about yourself. You are your own companion on the road and you can perfectly observe how you react to certain situations and how you deal with certain difficulties or unexpected circumstances. You learn to listen even better to your body, to the impulses that come from yourself, not from your fellow travellers. Sometimes I spoke out loud to myself and made jokes that made me laugh, so that the journey became a little more light-hearted. I encouraged myself. I was in close contact with myself and my own best friend.


Solo travel in the Netherlands: discover Land aan Zee

Our centre is an ideal destination for the solo traveller who is looking for something new. You have plenty of space here to be alone and reflect, to go out for a walk or cycling.

Once, I spent a whole day in the beautiful Zepeduinen to do a reflection exercise on personal leadership. I also did a "medicine walk" - walking where your feet take you, from sunrise to sunset, carrying only a water bottle. Watching what the road invites you to do, where your attention goes, what your body tells you.

You can also renew yourself through the in-depth conversations with other solo travellers. Here, chances are you will find soul mates or be inspired by others. So why travel solo? As you can see, there are plenty of reasons. You just have to take the plunge... And you won't regret it.

Do you want to exchange thoughts or do you need more information? Contact us.

